Radiology Department


Department of Radiology, Diphu Medical College and Hospital is fully functional. Outdoor facility of our Department started functioning from 25th November, 2019, rendering services to the incoming OPD patients. As of now, our Department is equipped with one 500 mA X-ray machine, two 100 mA portable X-ray machines, one CR unit, two high end Ultrasound machine with colour Doppler & one 128 slice MDCT machine. Two 500 mA and one  300 mA Machine and one Digital Radiography are under the process of  installation.  Provision has also been kept in place to install MRI machine in the department as we progress in our future endeavours. 
                                                                                                         Dr. Nabanita Deka, MD
                                                                                                            Professor & HOD
                                                                                                      Dept of Radiology, DMCH
1. Digital X-ray.
2. Ultrasound including colour Doppler.
3. CT scan



Dr. Nabanita Deka MBBS,MD

Reg No-16102(AMC)
Professor & HOD

Dr.Nabarun Das MBBS,MD

Reg No-11225(AMC)
Associate Professor

Dr. Hunmili Ingtipi MBBS,MD

Reg No-22299(AMC)
Assistant Professor

Dr. Tamsir Rongpi MBBS,MD

Reg No-24895(AMC)

Dr. Md. Ajmal Yezdani MBBS,MD

Reg No-(AMC)
Senior Resident