Pharmacology Department


Pharmacology is para-clinical branch of medical sciences and is studied during 2nd year of medical curriculum. Pharmacology mainly deals with mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, adverse effect and fate of drugs in human being or animals.

Our department educates both medical and graduate students in the principles underlying the distribution, metabolism, mechanism of action and toxicity of therapeutic agents or substance the graduate level. Our department also deals with pharmacovigilance.

Services : Academic and research related.

Publications :

              DR. TARALI DEVI: Total No- 6



Dr.Mitali Das MBBS,MD

Reg No-16169(AMC)
Professor and HOD

Dr. Tarali Devi MBBS,MD

Reg No-16248(AMC)
Associate Professor

Dr. Kamanashis Dutta MBBS,MD

Reg No-16298(AMC)
Assistant Professor

Dr. Neeraj Sinha MBBS,MD

Reg No-24894(AMC)