The Department of Pathology, DMCH, Diphu is comprised of the following hardworking, energetic faculties & staff and we look forward to working as a team to give you the best of services regarding Histopathology, Cytopathology, Hematology, Clinical pathology & Blood Banking services along with our academic duties in all the phases of the Medical Curriculum .
Academic Activities, Research Activities & Publications
Activities & services in the Department of Pathology,DMCH
Voluntary Blood donation camps held :
Academic activities in the Department of Pathology , DMCH
All the faculties attended the first CME of the year 2020 under API Assam Chapter organized by Department of Medicine, DMCH,Diphu on 16/02/2020
All the faculties attended the CME on Corona Virus Cum Awareness Programme organized by Department of Community Medicine, Micriology & Medicine , DMCH on 21/03/2020.
All the trainings on COVID-19 during March –April 2020 were attended by the faculty members & staff.
Three of the faculty mermbers were deputed for giving trainings on COVID19 in different places of Karbi Anglong (First phase training & Second phase training)
Reg No-11036(AMC)
Professor & HOD
Reg No-11346(AMC)
Associate Professor
Reg No-15219(AMC)
Associate Professor
Reg No-18762(AMC)
Assistant Professor
Reg No-19695(AMC)
Assistant Professor
Reg No-19486(AMC)
Assistant Professor
Reg No-21337(AMC)
Assistant Professor
Reg No-21391(AMC)
Reg No-20319(AMC)
Reg No-22879(AMC)
Reg No-24024(AMC)